Columbine shooters | Eric Harris | Eric's AOL profiles
Columbine AOL User Profiles
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Below you can find text versions of the AOL profiles belonging to Eric Harris when he used AOL's instant messenger online. I transcribed them because the screenshots I have are of poor quality and can be hard to read. Data decays over time and after nearly 10 years, the quality of the images hasn't gotten any better.

Also, you can see this WBS chat profile for RebTheJuvey. It's not an AOL profile; WBS used to be a big web-based chat network but was bought out by the Go Network in early 2001. I captured the HTML for posterity before it disappeared. Eric Harris had a couple of webpages hosted through WBS as well, which you can find linked to the index of Eric's websites.

Screen Name: Rebdomine
Member Name: REB
Location: Littleton.
Birthdate: siebzehn
Sex: Male
Marital Status: naah.
Hobbies: making fun of you people.
Computers: cow.
Occupation: senior at CHS and the rest is still unpublished.
Personal Quote: its fun being schizophrenic.

Screen Name: Rebldomakr
Member Name: ERIC HARRIS
Location: Littleton, CO USA
Birthdate: BC
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: professional doom and doom2, creator. meeting beautiful females, being cool.
Computers: pentium75, 8megs of RAM, soon will be better........
Occupation: part-time worker at a fireworks stand in CO, and DOOMING the hell out of my computer!(playing doom, a lot: )
Personal Quote: when in doubt, pull it out.(computers)-----Shut up and shoot it.----Quit whining, it's just a flesh wound-----Kill Em AALLLL!!!!

Member Name: REB
Location: Littleton.
Birthdate: siebzehn
Sex: Male
Marital Status: naah.
Hobbies: making fun of you people.
Computers: cow.
Occupation: senior at CHS and the rest is still unpublished.
Personal Quote: its fun being schizophrenic.

Member Name: ...
Location: Littleton, CO USA. Nil sine numine.
Birthdate: ...
Sex: Male
Marital Status: ...
Hobbies: Semper fidelis.
Computers: ...
Occupation: ...
Personal Quote: Its always something. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

The final part of the personal quote is in Latin. Translated: "If you want peace, prepare for war." It matches a graphic found on one of Eric's webpages (see below).

REB - si vis pacem para bellum

The following profile has been debunked as a fake posted by someone who was not Eric, though the media claimed at the time that it was his. I've included it here to illustrate how the shootings affected the mainstream internet and how copycats and pretenders surfaced in websites and IM circles. Several people cropped up claiming to be the shooters, friends or girlfriends of theirs, or family members. Some claimed to have known the victims but got fundamental information about them wrong, such as one person who wrote to tell me about their "best friend Isaiah Shoels - I called her Issy" (Isaiah was a guy). The hub-bub has died down considerably since then but every now and again I see someone pop up with claims of being someone they're not, in order to nab a little of Columbine's attention. It's interesting how some folks who relate to a tragedy feel the need to pretend to actually have been a part of it.

Screen Name: LCaress
Member Name: Trench Coat Mafia in da House!!!
Location: Littleton, Colorado
Sex: Male
Hobbies: Preparin' for the big april 20!! You'll all be sorry that day!
Computers: Packard Bell
Personal Quote: "I'll call a fig newton cookie if I want"