Columbine shooters | Eric Harris | REB's websites | Eric's website URLs
Eric Harris Website addresses
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A Columbine Site started as a place to put all of the obscure research material I've come across over the years. Because I've been hosting and building this site since April 1999, I've got a wealth of obscure information. This page is a good example. Readers asked if I knew any of Eric Harris' old website addresses. An information packrat, I saved almost every URL (web address) I've researched. I initially stowed most of these URLs in the comments of the HTML documents I made that related to them. The email motivated me to put together a more comprehensive list. So, here it is: A list of Eric "REB" Harris' websites.

Please note that Eric Harris' accounts were all deactivated by the FBI and the content was deleted. Trying to visit the original addresses now could land you at an offshore casino, a virus-plagued site, or worse. This information is just for reference. I have made mirrors of the content where it was available. The links I've provided below are hosted on this site and are safe to visit.
This page was the first one shown on the news and was falsely reported as the "Trenchcoat Mafia's page" (hence the html name below). Contains lyrics from KMFDM's songs "Waste" and "Son of a Gun". Links to AOL rebdomine at bottom.
See it here
Eric's REB the Juvey profile.
See it here
REB's Latin logo that gained a lot of attention. Translated, means 'If you want peace, prepare for war.' -- Lyrics of KMFDM's song "Power". Links to AOL rebdomine at bottom.
See it here -- Directory of Eric's Rebel Quake Clan site.
This is a mirror of the actual site directory. The FBI had already forced AOL to remove almost all of the HTML files by the time I got there but the other files were still there. You can click on the items in the directory to see them.
See it here -- Text copy of the "Rebel News" website main page where REB (Eric Harris) talks about the tests he and VoDkA (Dylan Klebold) are doing with pipe bombs and his Quake clan.
See it here -- A bunch of "Jo Mamma" jokes written by VoDkA, REB, and KiBBz (Zach Heckler).
See it here
REB's "You know what I hate?!?!!?!" rants. Includes the rant where Eric posts Brooks Brown's address and phone # along with encouraging people to attack him.
See it here

rebdoomer Quake Clan missions:

A couple of pages I made to host the images, wads and other files from rebdoomer here for ease of viewing:
DOOM II and Eric's Graphics
Eric's blog where he kept his hateful rants. It's also where he had the news-notorious "thebook.doc" which contained (faulty) instructions on how to make napalm and bombs.
See what was left of the directory after the FBI got done with the site here. Note: None of the linked files work.
More of REB's ranting.
See it here
REB's "philosophy" on life and society.
See it here
Another of REB's Doom/Quake sites.

Screenshots of Eric's AOL profiles.